Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Pre-Comprehensive Evaluation I

Hey you all! I'm so sorry i haven't updated for such a looooooooong time. Fyi, now i'm a collegers, and now i'm casted away at Purwokerto, and i'm in the wrooooooong faculty hehehehe.

Actually, today is the first day of quiz (or exam or some kind of that laaaaah), it's called COMPREHENSIVE EVALUATION. If you ask me "i'm ready or not", i will answer "OF COURSE NO! I HAVEN'T DONE READING THE OTHER 4 LECTURES!". Paraaaaaaaaaaaaah (pake bahasa Indonesia lagi ya), padahal gue udah janji sama emak untuk dapet nilai bagus, gue udah janji mau serius tahun ini dan mencoba lagi tahun depan, TAPI KEKUATAN INTERNET MERUSAK KEFOKUSAN GUE! Iya ME-RU-SAK..kok bisa? JELAS, gue adala orang yang sangat kecanduan internet, there is no day of free from internet. PARAH! PARAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!

Okok H-3 jam dari jam dimulainya comprehensive evaluation. 3 jam waktu yang gue butuhin buat catching up. 3 jam waktu yang gue butuhin buat mempersiapkan. 3 JAM UNTUK SESUATU YANG MEMPENGARUHI BLOK INI. Kalo gak lulus, apa kata emak-bapak gue -.-

Well, i have to finish this postingan because i have to study in super fast mode. Happy idul fitri holiday all! Wish me luck! :)