Monday, July 27, 2009

Postingan Sok Bijak Tentang Cinta

Banyak temen gue bertanya, "pernah gak sih lo jatuh cinta? Atau minimal lo punya crush deh", dan selalu gue jawab "gak ada beneran". Kenyataannya? Emang belom ada hahahaha tapi kalo lo bertanya-tanya kenapa tiba-tiba posting tentang cinta...itu karena gue tidak sedang jatuh cinta (atau punya gebetan yang bakal jadi korban di stalking-in), tapi tergoda untuk membuat karena temen gue Mr. Kerupuk Dicabein, Mr. PC, Ms. Yudita, dan Mr. Ardhin yang pernah posting tentang cinta (atau minimal perasaannya deh). Mungkin postingan kali ini bisa masuk ke dalam kategori latah. Agak malu sih kalo bilang ini postingan latah, tapi apa daya emang postingan ini ada karena mereka ngasih ilham ke gue -_-

If you ask where did i get those words....i will give the honest answer: from friends, movies, internet, and myself. Yang gue tulis di postingan ini adalah kata-kata yang nyangkut di hati gue (ehem) atau cukup berkesan lah kata-katanya (ehem lagi).

Here it is.

You LIKE someone because of his/her capability. You LOVE someone because of his/her foible.*^

When you meet somebody to care about, it's just hard to walk away.*

When you meet the person in your life, it could change you and find your potential.#

Love makes you do the extraordinary things.#

Love is action, not just feeling. Love is accepting, not expecting.+

Love not only for someone we love, but also for what we do.#

Immature love says "I love you because I need you". Mature love says "I need you because I love you".+

If you want to be succesful in life, be a wise. If you want to be succesful in love, be a foolish.+

I love you not because of who you are, but because of who i am when i am with you.+

No man or woman is worth your tears, but who is, won't make you cry.+

Though many people will go in and out of your heart only one will want to stay there. If you build a heart full of holes, think how much easier it is to hang on.+

It isn't what happens in your life that matters most, it is what your heart does with it, who it shares with and what together their learn from it.+

Love is like growing - it's hard to feel, sometimes, and even harder to see, but when you look back on it, you realize how far you've come.+

*: from movies or tv show
#: from myself, inspired by other people
+: from the internet
^: from friends


Ardhn Mohammed said...

"When you meet the person in your life, it could change you and find your potential.#"

# = inspired by other people? By me? Haha..

Oh my God...this is really true. Loving her changed me from a loser to someone who will be a great person. I want to be the best for her, for her to be proud of, for her to be amazed and loved. I just love her...Oh my God

"I love you not because of who you are, but because of who i am when i am with you.+"

Yes I always try to be the best around her

Ini quote2 terbaik, dan pas buat gw. Hehe...Beautiful post Ipeh, Ipeh romantis juga nih. Hahahaha

Semoga dia baca komen gw. Hahah

Ardhn Mohammed said...

"If you want to be succesful in life, be a wise. If you want to be succesful in love, be a foolish.+"

Ya, jangan pakai logika dalam cinta

The Blangkon said...

Eh jangan GR deh lo hahahaha gue terinspirasi pas abis nonton Chuck episode 'Chuck Versus The Beefcake' hehehehe.

Btw, thanks for the compliment ya dhin. Mungkin ini postingan gue yang paling indah nan romantis....bakalan susah bikin lagi yang kayak begini hahahaha maklum gue masih masa 'hati lembut' gara-gara novel LSDLF dan JPVFK :D

esther said...

aih, reina menulis sesuatu tentang cinta! udah merasakan rei? hehe

J said...

"I love you not because of who you are, but because of who i am when i am with you." (Y)

The Blangkon said...

@Esther: Merasakan apa? Cinta? Ke siapa? Kalo ke orang tua sih udah dari dulu hahahaha.
@Yudski: Maknyus ya jo? hehe thanks ya :)

devi el. rosyadi said...

Yang pasti, selalu hidupkan kisah cintamu brro.....